Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The latest release by Allen Rigg 
In what area of your life do you need momentum?
Maybe you are experiencing career inertia and need to build momentum in your occupation or profession. momentum – that’s what I’m talking about! Or maybe it’s financial inertia and you need momentum in getting out of debt or saving for retirement. Maybe you are experiencing physical inertia and you need to build momentum in your diet. Atkins momentum, South Beach momentum, or Ultimate Weight Solution momentum! Or maybe it’s relationship inertia and you need momentum in a friendship or romantic relationship. Maybe you are experiencing spiritual inertia and you need to build momentum in your relationship with God.
Inertia happens. You don’t have to do anything to build inertia. That’s not true about momentum. Momentum doesn’t just happen. God wants to use you. He wants to use you to build momentum in your family. He wants to use you to build momentum in your department at work. He wants to use you to build momentum in your small group, your ministry, and in your church. That’s what this book is about. It’s about you and me becoming momentum-builders – MBs for short. Nehemiah was a MB. The Old Testament book that bears his name is all about building momentum.
"Building Momentum" now available for Kindle at amazon
Other products by Allen Rigg available here

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